IEEE International Conference on Communications
9–13 June 2024 // Denver, CO, USA
Scaling the Peaks of Global Communications

Partcipating in New Technology Opportunities


Special Session on: Participating in New Technology Opportunities

Day:  Tuesday, June 11
Time:  11:00 - 12:30
Location:  Columbine, Terrace Level/I.M. PEI Tower Building

The technical field of interest of the IEEE Communications Society evolves over time. While many new trends are well captured by our Technical Committees, others fall into the gaps between different Technical Committees. Therefore, ComSoc has 2 major mechanisms in place to address new trends and technologies. First the Emerging Technology Committee (ETC) incubates new technology activities within ComSoc. Second ComSoc works with other IEEE Societies to address new trends and technologies collaboratively in Initiatives, Technical Communities and Councils. These activities are overseen by the Technology Evolution and Initiatives Committee (TE&I).

The special session will provide an overview on these activities and provide the audience with information how to start new activities and how to best contribute to these activities, including contact points to the various activities.

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