IEEE International Conference on Communications
9–13 June 2024 // Denver, CO, USA
Scaling the Peaks of Global Communications


1. Two papers on the interactive session (IS) in a morning session of June 13.

  1. Paper #1570989629, "Signal Detection and Spectrum Sensing Using Random Matrix Theory in Massive MIMO Systems", Lily Li, ZhiQiang Wu, and Adam L. Anderson
  2. Paper #1570989967, "ABConv: Attention Based Convolution for Automatic Modulation Recognition", Chengyu Guo, Shuai Han, Weixiao Meng, Cheng Li

2. June 13, PM session1,  an invited keynote speaker (40~45 min), followed by an invited panel (60-65 min), for a total of 105 min.

  The names of the speaker and panelist will be provided soon.

3. June 13, PM session2,  regular paper presentation (6 papers, 105 min).

  1. #1570989666 Market Impacts of Relaxed Incumbent Protection in Spectrum Sharing,       
    Phil Kangle Mu, Randall A Berry
  1. # 1570989606 Spectrum Overselling: An Optimal Auction Design Perspective,      
    Cariappa K S, Swastik Brahma, Anthony Macera
  1. #1570989963 Evolving Open RAN Interoperability: A Large-Scale Definition           
    Azizollah Kord, Jason Coder, Vu Le
  1. #1570996173 Spectrum Coexistence of Satellite-borne Passive Radiometry and Terrestrial Next-G Networks,               
    Nicholas Mastronarde, Mohammad Koosha
  1. #1570989637 Base Station Antenna Array Size Impact on Interference Between TDD Cellular Networks,                
    Ruoyu Sun, Yunjung Yi, Mark Poletti
  1. #1570995784 Geospatial Insights in Spectrum Management: An Adaptive Data-Driven Licensing Geospatial Insights in Spectrum Management: An Adaptive Data-Driven Licensing Approach,               
    Colin Brown, Humphrey Rutagemwa, Mohamad Alkadamani


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